The Great Smoke Show

110 Commerce St., Aberdeen, Mississippi
St. Louis Style Ribs - $125, Baby Back Ribs - $125, Wings - $75, Baby Backs and St. Louis Sytle Ribs - $250, St. Louis Style Ribs and Baby Backs and Wings -$325
The Great Smoke Show is an event to benefit the Elkin Theatre, located at 110 Commerce St., Aberdeen, MS.
Double Rib Contest - St. Louis style rib contest and baby back ribs contest plus a wings contest.
Location: 110 Commerce St., Aberdeen MS
Entry Fees and Payouts:
Ribs: $125 entry fee
Payouts: 1st place $1000, 2nd $500, 3rd $400, 4th $200, 5th $150, 6th-10th $100 each
Wings: $75 entry fee
Payouts: 1st place $500, 2nd $250, 3rd $125
6:30 AM: Move in
9:00 AM: Cooks meeting
12:00 PM: Judges' meeting
1:00-1:30 PM: Wings turn-in
2:00-2:30 PM: St. Louis ribs turn-in
3:00-3:30 PM: Baby back ribs turn-in
4:30 PM: Awards
Additional Information:
Promoter & Rep: Michael Rhea, contact via email at mike.rhea@att.net or phone at 662-304-0253
Trailers are welcome, but there is no electricity provided.